Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dr. jekyll.....Mr.....uuhhh

So this is a design for my Advanced 3d animation class. I wanted to do a man changing into a werewolf initially. But then when sketching ideas, I realized that the concept has been beaten to death. So instead of a werewolf I drew some mutant, monster thing. I like it, I think Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde....kinda.

There are not enough hours in the day...

As I was saying, we are all working on an "Alien" theme now. Our job this week was to design five characters in a style other than our own. I drew inspiration from the cartoon "Sebastien" which is on under animacion.

Also we had to take a shot of The Coolidge corner and draw it in four different styles (Or at least I had to). My favorite is the first one. It reminds me of silent hill.


Well my client rejected another animatic. Oh well! Instead my production team class and myself will be working on a whole new concept about aliens. Anyway heres the last animatic I did....meh.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Animation production Team: Round II

So my idea was rejected (The Witch/Cell Phone). But I'm in a new group, and our theme is based off one of the ideas that was pitched to the client. The theme is magic. So I had to interpret the students idea into my own. Below are the character concepts Ive created thus far.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Client Response To My Pitch..

Well my animatic for the theatre was denied. My animatic is classified as "option C".........

" Options C and D do not work for us at all. There seems to us to be a theme way off our mark. We do not want to threaten our audience with extraterrestrials, the devil, or imps of any kind. We want them to be aware of how they disturb other audience members, making it difficult to concentrate on the program, because of the noise or the light. We want a more gentle message, a reminder of courtesy. The Coolidge does not want to be mean to anyone. Think gentle, wry, sardonic---a prod to behave well."

I still think, nothing says get off your phone like the threat of a witch burning.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Heres a flying saucer I made for my Effects class. The effect is we have to crash a vehicle other than a car. The crash I am working on right now...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Burn The Witch!!

Here are two animatics. one is the first rough draft, and the other is the final revised version. These were made for my Animation Production team class in which we each had to create a preview before the movie of a "no cell phone policy". Our client is The Coolidge Corner Theatre. We should know by 9/24/09, who's idea got chosen to be used..

..........................................................And The Revised Version...................................................................

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Fall 09' Semester Begins...

Alright, the new semester has begun! The classes this semester for me are Advanced 3D, Animation Effects & Animation Production Team which brings me to the artwork below. Below are my storyboard and character sheets for our client in production team (The Coolidge Corner Theatre). This is part of MY proposal, the client will pick from 5 proposals and choose the one they like the best. The story has to consist of either no talking/smoking/texting etc in the theatre or buying a gift card. I think we all chose to go with no talking etc...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Trying to conquer ZBrush

So with the precious time off I have between semesters I have been trying to figure out ZBrush. It has been called the photoshop of the 3d world...Its really cool, If I can just figure out the basics. So far Ive learned how to make normal maps and how to cross pollinate with 3ds Max and learned the tools..Thats about it. Heres a sample of my fooling around in Zbrush with a model of mine from 3ds max.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Swingin' Stitches: Final

ok....This is my animation studio final! I had trouble posting it before because it was a little over one gig. So I mad an account on Youtube. I uploaded the video and I got a e-mail from Sony Entertainment to "maybe" alter the music. Because both the songs "All that Jazz" and "In the mood" are owned by them. Im not going too, I gave the music credits, and Im not distributing this video for profit..

Anyway... working on this project was a nightmare delight! I enjoyed the beginning with story boarding, character turns, walk cycles, script, character sheets, sound fx list, action sheets etc... But then the animating began....and the critiques. In the end I think I may have edited the animation about 15 times. Im just glad its over.

All in all, I would like to go back and tweak a few things, but for now....enjoy

Friday, August 14, 2009

Semester is Finally Over!

Well the summer semester has come to a close as of 8/13/09. Ive passed in all of my work, hopefully I did well. anyway I am going to be posting the finished animations I did this semester. starting with my first ever 3d animation. keep in mind a few things... I'm not a team of a hundred people, I had four other classes, Its my first 3d animation. I executed this project to the best of my abilities! I eventually want to go back into the animation and tweak a few things when I'm better.

Any who, here is my first 3d animation titled "Curse of The Black Diamond", along with a mental ray render i was fooling around with.

"Curse of The Black Diamond"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

3D Character Model: Night Guard

Here is the finished 3d model for my "Curse of the Black Diamond" animation.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cat Burglar Render

Here is a (Mental Ray) render of my model, with the backdrop of a 3d city picture. Im trying to think of a character name for my characters. For some reason Onyx keeps popping into my mind. The name of the animation itself is "Curse of The Black Diamond". I need my imagination to mend a little with all the school work...Then I'm sure it will come to me.

3D: W.I.P Part 2

I finally had time to tweak things around for the cat burglar model. Including creating a diffuse map and a bump map. I rigged the character as well and made a turn table. Ill post more pics later. until then, here is the turntable, enjoy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3D: W.I.P

Heres a render of a 3d model I have been working on for my 3d animation class. Its the cat burglar that I previously posted. I'm actually pretty surprised at how its coming out. I have the mesh as its uvw. next is of course the texturing, hair and mask. I credit alot of help from this tutorial i found on line for low poly modeling. It helped ALOT! The tutorial is .

Here is the character design...

And here is the render of the 3d character so far!..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quick Sketch: Golden Dragon

I was getting tired of doing the cartoon thing. I really haven't had time to draw something for myself, just for fun. No grades attached, no deadline etc...So I finally had the time yesterday to do something. I did a quick sketch that took like 10 minutes. No refining. I crumpled the paper for an aged effect and then scanned it into the computer and quickly airbrushed it. The whole thing took about less than a half hour. Enjoy!

Character Design: Curse of The Black Diamond

These are character designs for my 3d animation class. Ive been fooling around with making the actual 3d model. Its only a matter of time before I break out of my procrastination mode and actually do it. But for the meantime, enjoy the 2d character concepts for my upcoming 3d animation "Curse of The Black Diamond". plot details will be coming later.

Its Been a While.....

Here are some character designs for my new project in one of my classes. Its going to be a somewhat tribute to the black and white cartoons as well as the flapper, zuit suit, and big band music era. The first picture is that of the two main characters, and the other is of the supporting characters. Names are still in the works.....

Saturday, January 31, 2009


    This is an animation I made last semester for my 2d animation class with George Pfromm. We had to incorporate a walk cycle as well as the main character lifting something and walking with it. 
   What's interesting is that this semester in my advanced 2d class with Gabriel Polonsky we have to do the same project although we have to throw the character. That should be interesting to do since I got the experience of doing it before... and of course I will post It when Its finished. Until then enjoy..

  I had an interesting time with this one, I did the voices when I just learned how to use Garage Band. Thankfully Im alot better with it now lol. I know the background isn't layered, I just threw it in there. Its more about the character actions.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Walk Cycle Part II

   Well, Heres another walk cycle. We had to do a walk cycle of a fat person ,which a lack of a better politically correct term at the moment escapes me. I had alot of fun with this character. The shape and design were all fun to make. Yes thats a croissant in her hair.  It was going to be some food item, and I thought why not a croissant, thats avant-garde and different...I have no idea.

Heres the preliminary idea that I sketched out first. In my school its a big thing to know your character and get in the mind of it. So far i think a good name for the character is Gumdrop .
And here is the animation. cross your fingers I'm still trying to figure the exporting thing out.

It's Been A While....

   Well I've been busy lately, but I finally found the time to post some new stuff. I had trouble posting videos for some reason, thats why there was no animation

   So In my class we had to do a walk cycle. This Time I thought I wouldn't use lines and make it look painfully like it was flash. First I made the sketch of what the character would look like. then I got to work on animating.
Yes Its a Clown, which everyone thought was creepy. And now for the animation! Sorry for the quality, I havent got the exporting animations for the internet down pat yet.